Front Page: Eviction Motion Denied, Group occupying Coco Palms will continue to be on property

Eviction Denied: Group occupying Coco Palms will continue to be on property Noa & Kamu @ Court Posted: Thursday, May 18, 2017 2:00 am Alden Alayvilla - The Garden Island | 7 comments LIHUE — A motion that would have ordered two Hawaiians — who claim 17 acres of Wailua land as theirs via royal patent — to stay away from property was denied by a Fifth Circuit judge Wednesday. Judge Michael Soong denied the motion, citing the ex parte to remove the defendants from Coco Palms property circumvents a civil process that would prove clear ownership of the property. “I’m not making a determination that anybody is the owner of the property,” Soong said. “What I’m telling the parties is there’s not enough information at this point to make that determination.” The state filed the motion against Noa Mau-Espirito and Charles Hepa, claiming the defendants have been trespassing since March 17. But in an earlier interview, Mau-Espirito said he claimed ...